Its aim is to be a support tool for SMEs and public administrations in the field of technology and innovation
This consortium is constituted as a representation of the entire Andalusian ecosystem: from universities and research centres to business associations, chambers of commerce, parks, European Business and Innovation Centres (CEEIs/BICS), companies and technology clusters.
The Rector of the University of Granada, Pilar Aranda; the Regional Minister for Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Rogelio Velasco; the Mayor of Granada Francisco Cuenca presented this morning the AIR-Andalusia Andalusian Digital Innovation Centre, together with representatives of all the entities that make up the consortium.

AIR-Andalusia is a centre specialising in applied artificial intelligence and robotics. This organisation was created as a support tool for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and public administrations to improve their efficiency and competitiveness, providing them with access to different digitisation services focused on optimising business/production processes, products or services that use digital technologies.
The centre also aims to facilitate access to know-how and experimentation, so that companies can “test before invest”. The consortium will combine the power of artificial intelligence, robotics and data as key drivers of innovation and economic growth.
Promoted by the University of Granada and the Regional Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities, AIR-Andalusia represents the entire Andalusian ecosystem: from universities and research centres to business associations, chambers of commerce, parks, European Business and Innovation Centres (CEEIs/BICS), companies and technology clusters.
All the entities that make up AIR-Andalusia are benchmarks in the areas of knowledge of artificial intelligence and applied robotics, currently identified as those with the greatest impact and relevance for the digitalisation of industry in Andalusia.
AIR-Andalusia has been recognised by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism as a ‘European Digital Innovation Hub’ (EDIH) candidate to participate in the European call for the Initial Network of EDIHs1 of the Digital Europe2 programme. This call will lead to recognition by the European Union. Each EDIH will act as an access point to the European network of EDIHs, helping local companies and/or public actors to obtain support from other EDIHs in case the necessary competences fall outside its field of competence, ensuring that each stakeholder obtains the necessary support where it is available in Europe. Conversely, each EDIH will support companies and public actors in other regions and countries introduced by other EDIHs in need of its expertise.
Photo gallery in the following LINK
Recording of the event in the following LINK